At Bay Pointe Dermatology we have a Beauty Day at least once a year. This is not only a day of fun where we can meet our patients at a more casual level, but it is a day where we offer our patients great discounts on all our cosmetic products and procedures. On Beauty Day our patients come and enjoy great food, sample products, and participate in amazing raffles. In the past we have had a room where you can have your makeup done by a professional makeup artist who gives you advice. We have a room where you can actually see the sun damage on your face with a special machine. This is great opportunity to have a one on one with Dr. Lima and discuss facial rejuvenation that can all be done at a discounted price at future visits. Our patients always give us positive feedback and are always eagerly awaiting our next Beauty Day event.
Stay tuned for beauty sales. Call our office or send us your email so we can keep you informed